Everyone knows good code is easy to maintain, but that also means anyone can maintain it. That’s no bueno for the individual developer who wants a little job security. Writing overly complex code that nobody else can maintain let alone read, will ensure your company holds onto you, and will give you more bargaining power come raise time. Read more...

I’m a big fan of the async await syntax in ES2017. In my opinion it just feels a lot more natural than and then and then and then…. I digress. I’ll keep this one short. Read more...

While LiteNetLib may run on UDP (User Datagram Protocol) which is an unreliable network protocol, LiteNetLib offers multiple delivery methods, some of which even offer “reliability”. Reliability is in quotes because when latency is high the chance of a packet being dropped is greater than 0 (although still fairly rare). Read more...

LiteNetLib already provides a good example for creating a basic server / client set up in their documents, but if we want to use it with Unity there’s a few extra steps we’ll need to take. Read more...

Continuing off the previous post about how to build a basic server / client set up with LiteNetLib it’s time to talk about sending data. Because, well, a network set up that doesn’t actually send any data is kind of useless. Read more...

TL;DR Download the most recent stable release source code zip and copy the /LiteNetLib folder to the Plugins folder in your Unity project. LiteNetLib is an UDP networking library that can be used for building multiplayer games with Unity. Read more...
With the rise of ASP.NET Core over ASP.NET 4.x, the built in authentication has undergone a shift from role-based access control (RBAC) to claim-based access control (CBAC). The most notable change is the User property on HttpContext is now of type ClaimsPrincipal instead of IPrincipal. Read more...
ASP.NET Core supports dependency injection directly out of the box. For Web APIs this is useful for automatically resolving dependencies needed by controllers, or if you’re a fan of Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture it can be used to inject external dependencies such as the database into the inner layers. Read more...

Coming from the .NET world String.Format() was by far my most used function for generating user readable error / log messages. After jumping over to TypeScript, I was bummed to learn that no similar function existed. Read more...

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) powers the web. It’s the silent work horse used to carry data between servers and clients, and is the reason why all URLs start with HTTP, or HTTPS. Read more...