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Goodbye H Street, Hello STS
88 Integra Build

Last year I ran the Integra in almost 20 events and had a great time. Plus with all the seat time I feel like I’ve gained a bunch of valuable experience and really improved as a driver. Read more...

Adding a Rear Sway Bar
88 Integra Build

At the last auto-x event I ran in, I managed to get the Integra up on two wheels not once, but twice. While kinda fun, I don’t wanna risk rolling the car and I figured it was time to take advantage of the last mod H Street permits and add a rear sway bar to try to dial down the absurd levels of body roll. Read more...

Stepping up my Auto-X Game
88 Integra Build

I’ve been having a blast auto crossing the Integra. It doesn’t have the most power, and it’s got enough body roll to lift a rear tire when making tight turns but I feel like I’m learning a ton and slowly getting better too! Read more...

Electrical Gremlins, a Blown Clutch, and a Massive Oil Leak
88 Integra Build

Having driven over 2,500 miles and raced in 2 auto cross events, the Integra has had a few issues pop up along the way, but is still holding strong. For what it’s worth though, the car’s never left me stranded and even when the clutch failed I was still able to limp it home. Read more...

Back on the Road After a Decade
88 Integra Build

Wrapping up a project isn’t always the funnest. The “last 10%” tends to take up significantly more time than anticipated because it involves addressing all the difficult parts that you’ve been putting off. Read more...

Fabricating a 304 Stainless Catback Exhaust
88 Integra Build

The exhaust on my new to me 88 Integra was beyond saving with several holes in the resonator and the muffler having turned questionably brittle. As this is suppose to be a summer daily driver that’s pleasant to drive I decided to splurge and build a stainless exhaust setup to save my ears and retain my sanity. Read more...

Replacing a D16A1 Headgasket and Timing Belt
88 Integra Build

With the headgasket and timing belt swap fully completed it feels like the rest of this project will be a piece of cake. Fabricating a custom exhaust is the last major task on the list and I’m looking forward to it because that means I have an excuse to break out my welder. Read more...

Refreshing the Suspension
88 Integra Build

It’s been just under a month since my last post about fixing up this Integra and I’ve made a ton of progress. I’ve successfully completed replacing most of the suspension including all four shocks, outer tie rods, ball joints, sway bar bushings, cv axles, and front lower control arms. Read more...

Fixing the Completely Seized Brakes
88 Integra Build

With February quickly approaching, I’m starting to feel like I’m running short on time to get my recently acquired 1988 Acura Integra road ready. My current goal is to have this vehicle on the road for spring and it’s been harder to make progress on it than anticipated. Read more...

The First Start
88 Integra Build

Last weekend I had the opportunity to purchase a bone stock 1988 Acura Integra from it’s original owner. The previous owner is a family friend of ours and has had this sitting in his garage for over 9 years now. Read more...