
Highlights of personal projects I've been working on, or worked on.

Detailing Arsenal

Scheduling software for auto detailers

Detailing Arsenal is a SaaS (software as a service) for managing and scheduling appointments for auto detailers. Users can create, update, or delete appointments, along with the ability to view stats about time, services, and revenue. Read more...


Reddit-like news aggregator site

Updog was a Reddit clone where users could share links, and create text posts. Users could submit comments to posts, or reply to other comments. A voting system was implemented to allow users to upvote or downvote posts they liked or disliked. Read more...

Mechanic Log

Vehicle maintenance tracking SaaS

Mechanic Log was a web app where users could log repairs and maintenance performed on their vehicle(s). Users could also track fuel mileage to see how much they spent in fuel, gallons consumed, and lifetime MPG. Read more...

Clap Button

Medium inspired clap button as a service

Clap Button was a SaaS that offered a Medium like clap button widget for blogs. The widget allowed readers to share their appreciation for a blog post by clicking on it to “clap” 1 to 50 times. Read more...