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Civic Build - 07/06/15

93 EG Hatch Build

The transmission in the Civic was a good deal for the price of $100, but it had a nasty grind anytime you shifted into 3rd gear above 3k RPM. Because of this, and a transmission popping up for sale for $75 bucks I couldn’t resist making the switch.

While it was kinda gross, it actually cleaned up pretty nicely. After a lot of scrubbing and cleaning it was finally ready for paint.

A couple coats of primer later, the transmission was starting to look decent.

I’m a big fan of DupliColor’s cast aluminum spray paint. It literally looks just like bare-metal and leaves a very nice finish.

I took the opportunity to sand-blast and powder coat the T-bracket. I must say it came out pretty nicely.

An interesting before and after. The transmission on the left is the one that was pulled from the car.

Re-installed. It looks so much cleaner than the engine.

Overview shot.

Since the car was an automatic when it left the factory, it took a little bit of modding to fit the standard shifter. The red plate was a spare piece of metal my Dad had laying around.

The hole may not have been the cleanest cut, but it was functional and that’s all that mattered.

Then a nice seat of Integra confetti seats popped up for sale. I couldn’t resist, especially since they looked a hell of a lot nicer than the stock eg seats.

Nothing like a nice bolt in upgrade.